Your Business Location: United States
The member countries of the United States-Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) make up the second largest U.S. export market in Latin America, behind only Mexico. Bilateral trade between the U.S. and the CAFTA countries is valued close to $45 billion annually, about 40% of which passes through Florida. The United States exports more than $25 billion annually to the region, making it one of the United States� top export markets worldwide.
Computer, electronic, aerospace, and information technology products account for over a third of all U.S. exports to Central America and the Dominican Republic. Medical devices and pharmaceuticals, as well as agricultural products, account for a large share of American sales to the six countries, as do textiles and apparel. This trade between the United States and the CAFTA countries has already reached $45 billion. With the implementation of CAFTA, this rapidly growing market is growing even faster and yielding greater opportunities for U.S. companies across a range of industries, and over time is expected to boost sales by another $20 billion annually.
Now, how can your company tap into the opportunities that CAFTA has opened?
Contact Enterprise Florida, the statewide economic development organization for Florida, for a variety of site selection services and other confidential business assistance.