The CAFTA Intelligence Center
Costa Rica Dominican Republic El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua United States

Your Business Location: Florida

The United States already exports more than $25 billion worth of products to Central America and the Dominican Republic. A fifth of that originates in Florida. This trade is responsible for 35,000 manufacturing jobs and 30,000 services jobs in Florida. 

With the implementation of CAFTA all those numbers have grown significantly.  Within the first year of its full implementation, the Agreement boosted Florida�s exports by half a billion dollars, adding more than 7,000 jobs. By the ninth year, with the removal of virtually all barriers to trade between the six CAFTA countries and the United States, Florida exports will have grown by an additional $3 billion, boosting total economic output by $5 billion, and employment by nearly 37,000 more jobs. These workers will have $1.2 billion in additional earnings to pour back into the Florida economy.

CAFTA is not only greatly increasing the volume of trade, but also the type of trade, significantly expanding the kinds of businesses that participate in, and benefit from, the resultant increased trade.  The most immediate beneficiaries of CAFTA are the many U.S. businesses that have had, until now, only limited access to the markets of CAFTA countries. The agreement opens the door to the region for a broad array of industries and commercial activities -- many for the first time. These sectors include: aviation and aerospace, information technology, multimedia, financial and professional services, apparel and textiles, manufactured goods, the life sciences, agricultural and food products, and government procurement. Florida companies in these sectors have a unique advantage in doing business with the CAFTA countries.

Now, how can your company tap into the opportunities that CAFTA has opened?


1) Contact Enterprise Florida for one-on-one export counseling

2) Attend the following CAFTA-related events and missions:  

Outbound Trade Missions targeting CAFTA countries are organized by Enterprise Florida and the USEAC. They are designed to introduce Florida companies to potential customers in the CAFTA countries.


Inbound delegations from the CAFTA nations will be hosted by members of the Florida Trade Partners Alliance, with support from the U.S. Commercial Service and Enterprise Florida. The delegations will visit various communities throughout the state.


Follow-up missions to CAFTA countries will be conducted by members of the Florida Trade Partners Alliance and supported through Enterprise Florida�s certified events programs.


Visit the CAFTA Calendar of Events for more information.

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United States Commercial Service Seal of Approval

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