The CAFTA Intelligence Center
Costa Rica Dominican Republic El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua United States

Costa Rica


With the oldest and most stable democratic government in the region, Costa Rica is considered a Central American success story. The country has a GDP of nearly $50 billion and a population of 4.5 million. Economic growth is forecast to average 4.6% through 2014. The country�s total trade with the world exceeds $20 billion annually, with exports slightly outweighted by.


Costa Rica, with its relatively high standard of living, is expanding its economy to include strong technology and tourism sectors. The country�s manufacturing sector is growing with factories producing microprocessors, textiles and clothing, construction materials, fertilizer, food and plastic products. 


Its political stability, as well as the country�s high education levels, is attracting many foreign investors.  The United States is the leading investor in Costa Rica with holdings of $2.5 billion. Large American companies like Intel and Procter & Gamble, and an increasing number of franchising and service companies, have set up shop there. The key market sectors that are benefiting from CAFTA include: paper products, information and communication technology, auto parts, medical equipment, and construction equipment.


For more information about Costa Rica visit any of the following links.  

Doing Business in Costa Rica, U.S. Department of Commerce

The World Factbook, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency

Background Note: Costa Rica, U.S. Department of State

Country profile: Costa Rica, the BBC

The World Bank Group. Doing Business: Costa Rica

Florida-Origin Exports to Costa Rica
Florida's Merchandise Trade with Costa Rica


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The Florida Advantage

Florida knows this region:

  • Goods valued at over $10 billion are traded between Costa Rica and the United States each year. Of this, more than 40% �$4.3 billion�passes through Florida.
  • Exports of Florida-made goods to Costa Rica total more than a billion dollars annually.
  • Costa Rica is one of Florida�s top 20 export markets.
  • Florida's airports offer more direct flights to Central American destinations than all other airports in the United States combined.
  • Exports of Florida-made goods to the CAFTA countries are close to $5 billion annually, the highest of the 50 states by a wide margin.
  • About 23,000 Costa Ricans reside in Florida - a strong foundation for bilateral cultural and economic ties.

Learn more about how your business can benefit from a Florida connection to Costa Rica.

United States Commercial Service Seal of Approval

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