The CAFTA Intelligence Center
Costa Rica Dominican Republic El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua United States

Information Technology and Communications

All U.S. information technology product exports to Central America and the Dominican Republic have been duty-free upon implementation of the Agreement. U.S. exporters of information technology such as circuit switching equipment, computers and peripherals, cables, routers, and cellular services equipment, including base stations, radio trunking equipment and handsets, are all benefiting from the agreement. This is especially significant because all the CAFTA countries are rapidly moving into the digital age and need the high tech IT products made in Florida and the United States in general. In Guatemala, for example, demand for telecommunications equipment is expected to grow at an annual rate of 10 to 15 percent during the first few years of the agreement. In 2003, even before CAFTA, U.S. exports of these products to the region totaled nearly $2 billion.

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